This organization is a global think tank housed within one of the largest multilateral development banks in the world. It wanted to gain deeper understanding of the hypothesis that financial inclusion in general, and various financial services in particular, can make a difference towards building climate resilience among vulnerable populations who are most affected by climate change. A multi-country and multiple pronged approach are adopted for this project. Nigeria and Bangladesh have been selected as study countries. pi STRATEGY was invited to lead the research in Bangladesh, covering a combination of supply side and demand side perspectives.
pi STRATEGY’s work encompassed financial service providers (commercial banks, digital financial services providers, micro-finance institutions, insurance companies, fin-techs, and money transfer operators), government agencies (regulators and ministries), development partners (NGOs), and subject matter experts from academia. While the interventions at the intersection of financial inclusion and climate change were quite varied across the sectors, the intentions to act were palpable. However, program sustainability remains a big barrier which requires strengthening internal capacity, developing new products and crafting win-win business cases.