At pi STRATEGY, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not thought to be a separate, stand-alone initiative. Instead, the Firm believes CSR needs to be a part of its core business. Each person has a responsibility to the community, to the country, and to the world they live in. The Firm’s social initiatives therefore span both a corporate responsibility dimension and a personal responsibility dimension. CSR at the Firm is not something that is taken on after years of operation or after achieving profitability first. The Firm launched CSR activities from day-1 because it is viewed as an integral part of its business strategy.
From a personal responsibility perspective, many members of the team volunteer at a variety of issue based non-profit organizations. For example the Managing Partner sits on the Board of a non-profit organization, called Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center (BYLC), that seeks to bridge the mindset gaps between young students from Bengali, English, and Arabic medium schools in Bangladesh. From its first year of operation, pi STRATEGY has begun its humble journey with some of the social initiatives cited above.
From a corporate responsibility perspective, the Firm has developed a pricing strategy specially targeted towards the local non-profit sector that is lower than its standard professional services fees. Moreover, the Firm continues to offer services at cost or even free-of-cost to support selected social programs and initiatives. For example, it has provided strategy development services and graphics design services to the Rotary movement through support to a Rotary club. The Firm has also adopted using environment friendly products (recycling, low wattage light bulbs, etc.) in everyday operations.
pi STRATEGY was an early supporter of the Maker’s Lab – a joint program of MIT Media Lab Bangladesh Initiative and Toru (a local initiative). It has co-sponsored the inaugural Maker’s Lab week-long event. The Firm’s Managing Partner has served as a Selection Committee Member for the very first cohort of Acumen Fellows program in Bangladesh. The Firm’s involvement with these initiatives is deeply rooted in its belief that innovation and entrepreneurship require multidisciplinary thinking and that structured tinkering with systems and experimenting with the seemingly impossible by the young minds uncover many unexpected opportunities.